As June shows upon us, we love to spend time out in the garden. This is a perfect time of the year to check off this list of must do's for your best summer garden and beyond.....
1) Dead head your blooms- Deadhead Flowers Regularly ... Deadheading means pinching or cutting off flower stems below a faded bloom and just above the first set of healthy leaves. At this time of year, deadheading roses, perennials, rhododendrons, azaleas and lilacs. Trim off spent blooms from annual flowers to encourage additional blooming and extend their growing season.
2) Plant new seeds. Don't hesitate to plant seeds for cucumbers, beans, edamame, summer and winter squashes, pumpkins, melons, beets, carrots, chard and scallions. Start a crop of "cut and come again" salad mix, braising mix, mild mustards, and any of our mesclun blends in a spot with bright light but out of the full, hot sun.
3) Adjust your watering Schedule: As spring rains taper off and summer temperatures heat up, adjust watering schedules as needed.
4) Deepen Mulch-Add additional mulch to gardens and flowerbeds to conserve water and minimize weed growth. Grass clippings are a good, inexpensive option as well. A mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Reasons for applying mulch include conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, reducing weed growth, and enhancing the visual appeal of the area. A mulch is usually, but not exclusively, organic in nature.
5) Divide Perennials- If perennial plants are becoming too large or need better control, they can be best divided in June and transplanted to new locations. Divide and Transplant Some Perennials. Divide and transplant most late-summer and fall-blooming perennials now. Wait to divide spring bloomers until fall.
6)Harvest Spring Produce-Harvest Spring Produce Cool season fruits and vegetables will be nearly spent in June, but there is time for one last harvest of strawberries, & radishes, for example.
7)Stake Plants-Stake floppy plants. If you haven't yet staked plants (like sunflowers) that are set to get particularly tall or that'll have heavy flowers or fruits , June is the perfect time to stake them and be prepared. June is also the best time to begin training vines.
As is always a good rule of thumb, keep your eyes open for pests and insects as well, since the rising temperatures will generally bring out more. Make sure to keep up on that regular weeding, and find time to simply sit back, relax, and make the most of the outdoor space you've created! Great Job, Gardening Guys and Gals...Until next time.